Wednesday, May 20, 2020

How to Recondition the Battery

If you want to recondition the battery:

  • Not all batteries can be reconditioned.
  • If a customer wants to have a battery overhauled, first ask the supplier if that is possible.
  • Refurbishing batteries requires a lot of knowledge of electronics and must be done very accurately to avoid problems.
  • Cheap is expensive: don't just go for the lowest price, go for quality.
  • Find a reliable party that has been active in the market for a long time.

Bringing Dead Batteries Back To Life Is Simple!

These rechargeable batteries are packets of separate battery cells, the 'battery packs'. When they are empty, recharge them for the next round. With an extra set you can immediately scan again, while the other one is recharged. However, charging also has its limitations.
Depending on the type and capacity, they last up to 500 loading cycles, or 18 months. After that, these rechargeable batteries also need to be replaced.
In order not to be faced with surprises, it is therefore important to keep track of when the batteries have been purchased and how often they have been charged globally. A battery running down faster is an indication that it has had its best time.
5 tips:
  1. Never mix different battery types
  2. Fully discharge NiCd, but preferably also NimH batteries, the first five times before charging. This will improve the service life
  3. Keep the contacts between battery, scanner and charger as clean as possible
  4. Avoid overcharging the battery. Always charge according to the loading instructions
  5. Keep track of when the batteries were purchased and how often they are charged